Tuesday, March 13, 2007

marie, marie

when we were children it was winter in the mountain
where you feel free, but you do like to read in the sun
clipped from en.wikipedia.org
Marie Antoinette, painted by Franz Xaver Wagenschön shortly after her marriage in 1770

On April 19, 1770, a marriage per procurationem, or a marriage to her brother Ferdinand, in place of Louis Auguste, took place in Vienna's Augustine Church. They did this because Marie would have entered France as the Archduchess of Austria until she married Louis and the French would not allow it. By this "marriage" taking place, she could enter the French court as the Dauphine, and then be officially married to Louis Auguste. Two days later, a sobbing Maria Antonia left Vienna to her mother's parting words, "Farewell, my dearest. Do so much good to the French people that they can say that I have sent them an angel." [3] Traveling along the Danube River and accompanied by a large entourage of nearly 14 carriages, they passed through Munich, Augsburg, Günzburg, Ulm and Freiburg im Breisgau, before finally reaching the Rhine border between Kehl and Strasbourg weeks later.

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